Blog zamrznjen -- Blog Frozen
Ta spletni dnevnik je zamrznjen. To pomeni, da ne bo več prejemal novih prispevkov in komentarjev. Kmalu bo tudi arhiviran in s tem prestavljen na trajnejše mesto. Temu sporočilu sledi običajna vsebina spletnega dnevnika.
Hvala za razumevanje.
This blog has been frozen. This means it will no longer accept new posts and comments. It will soon be archived and moved to a more permanent location. Below this message you can find the blog's usual contents.
Thank you for your understanding.
This is a
blank live wallpaper that allows you to set your own video as a live wallpaper animation!
Lots of codecs and formats are supported.
This thread exists only to host comments on the Video Live Wallpaper.
See the
official Video Live Wallpaper website.
Android Development - 9. oktober 2010 @ 22:01 - Ogledov: 174084 -
Komentarjev: 14